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Set up Xero native integration
Updated over a month ago

If you can't see Xero integration on your Settings > Accounting integration page, contact our team via chat.

In a few clicks, Controllers can activate Xero on a Spendesk account.

  1. First, you need to choose Xero as your accounting base. Then, you need to log in Xero.

  2. Finish with a refresh of your accounting settings and accounts setup.

Note that currently, we use standard HTTPS API calls to transfer information to Xero.

Activate Xero native integration on your Spendesk account

  1. Go on Setting > Accounting setup > Integration,

  2. Click on the button "select your accounting base",

  3. Follow the use flow and select "Xero native integration",

  4. Confirm your choice. Xero native integration is now activated!

N.B If you're currently using another integration, switch to a file-based export, then switch to Xero.

Connect Spendesk to your Xero account

  1. Go on Settings > Accounting > Accounting integration,

  2. Click the button "connect to Xero",

  3. Follow the flow and select the account that you want to connect with. You're connected to your Xero account !

Set up your accounting settings

  1. Go to Settings > Accounting > accounting integration,

  2. Click on "refresh accounting settings",

  3. Go to the section Bank account,

  4. Set up Spendesk bank account,

  5. Set up Bank fees account. That's it, your accounting settings are set up !

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