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Bulk import of Members
Updated over a month ago

This feature is only visible to Account Owners and Admins.

You can invite multiple members to Spendesk using predefined fields.

How to Bulk Import Members:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Organisation > Members, then click on "Invite new members".

  2. Select "By file upload".

Key Information Before Using This Feature

  • Template Overview:
    The template contains all possible columns, along with instructions for required fields and usage. It also includes additional sheets listing all cost centers and approval policies.

  • Dynamic Columns:
    Columns in the template will appear only if the corresponding feature is enabled.

Data Required to Invite Members

  • First name (required)

  • Last name (required)

  • Email Address (required)

  • Roles (optional): identified by name

  • Cost Center (optional):

    • Available if the feature is enabled

    • Identified by name (unique constraint)

  • Approval Policy (optional):

    • Available if the feature is enabled

    • Not uniquely identifiable by name

  • IBAN and BIC (optional): feature-flagged

Final Steps

Once you’ve filled out the file, click on "Start the import".
The system will automatically send invitations to the members


Q1: What happens if I leave optional fields blank?
Optional fields, such as roles or approval policies, will not be assigned unless specified.

Q2: Can I edit the template file before uploading?
Yes, you can adjust the fields in the provided template, but do not change the column structure or names.

Q3: How can I ensure the file is compatible?
Make sure all required fields are filled, and only the enabled features' columns are used.

I have an error, what should I do?

We display an error message for the following:

Invalid xlsx structure, User already exists, Invalid email, Invalid role, Cost center not found, Approval policy not found, Missing mandatory information.


  • It's compulsory to add both IBAN and BIC.

  • If only the IBAN is added and not BIC, it will not be populated.

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