This feature is only visible to Account Owners and Admins.
You can invite multiple members to Spendesk using predefined fields.
How to Bulk Import Members:
Navigate to Settings > Organisation > Members, then click on "Invite new members".
Select "By file upload".
Key Information Before Using This Feature
Template Overview:
The template contains all possible columns, along with instructions for required fields and usage. It also includes additional sheets listing all cost centers and approval policies.Dynamic Columns:
Columns in the template will appear only if the corresponding feature is enabled.
Data Required to Invite Members
First name (required)
Last name (required)
Email Address (required)
Roles (optional): identified by name
Cost Center (optional):
Available if the feature is enabled
Identified by name (unique constraint)
Approval Policy (optional):
Available if the feature is enabled
Not uniquely identifiable by name
IBAN and BIC (optional): feature-flagged
Final Steps
Once you’ve filled out the file, click on "Start the import".
The system will automatically send invitations to the members
Q1: What happens if I leave optional fields blank?
Optional fields, such as roles or approval policies, will not be assigned unless specified.
Q2: Can I edit the template file before uploading?
Yes, you can adjust the fields in the provided template, but do not change the column structure or names.
Q3: How can I ensure the file is compatible?
Make sure all required fields are filled, and only the enabled features' columns are used.
I have an error, what should I do?
We display an error message for the following:
Invalid xlsx structure, User already exists, Invalid email, Invalid role, Cost center not found, Approval policy not found, Missing mandatory information.
It's compulsory to add both IBAN and BIC.
If only the IBAN is added and not BIC, it will not be populated.