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Edit your profile details (bank information, phone number, email address, password...)
Edit your profile details (bank information, phone number, email address, password...)

This article is for all roles on Spendesk. Learn how to edit Profile information.

Updated over 2 months ago

Edit your profile

To edit your profile information,

  • Click on your avatar in the bottom left hand corner of Spendesk,

  • Then select My Profile.

Edit your phone number

Note that the phone number and email address are linked to your cards, if you have any.

You will receive 3DS confirmation texts on the phone number filled on your profile, or on the Spendesk mobile app if you're using it.

To ensure you have updated your phone number in your Spendesk profile:

Click on your profile photo on the bottom-left corner of your browser → “My profile” → Click on “Your security info” → select “Add/update phone number” → Receive a unique link by email → Follow the link to update your phone number."

2-factor authentication (using your mobile) is required every 90 days or at every use of a new device.

Note: You can also update your mobile phone number from the mobile app.

Edit your password

You can reset your password from your profile, or using the login page, by clicking on "Forgot?" in the password line. That is, of course, if you don't usually log in through Gmail/Microsoft/SAML SSO authentication.

Understand your approval policy

You can have a look at the spending rules and control on your profile.

However, you cannot edit this information unless you also have the 'Admin' role.

Bank information

You can add your banking information from the desktop version or the mobile app if "Reimburse via Spendesk" or XML SEPA is enabled on your company's account.

However, if a change must be made in your bank information, an Admin has to correct these in "Settings > Members" for security reasons.

It is required to have bank information filled in the same format as the wallet's currency.


If your wallet is in USD, you cannot add a German SEPA IBAN on Spendesk.

If your wallet is in GBP, you cannot add a Spanish IBAN.

If your wallet is in USD, you cannot add Canadian bank information.

If your wallet is in EUR, filling your bank info with FR or Spanish IBAN won't make much of a difference: you can fill it with both.

Make sure to avoid any special character in the Account holder name field as the bank details can otherwise be refused.

Ex: my name is 'Michèle' -> I will type 'Michele'.

Your Roles

Your reminder of what you can do on the interface!

Example :

"As a Requester you can:

  • Make new purchase requests.

  • Upload invoices."

You cannot edit your Role on Spendesk by yourself, an Admin has to do it for you.

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