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Pay at a gas station

Learn the usual Spendesk interface behavior when paying at a Gas Station.

Updated over 2 months ago

Sometimes, after filling up at a gas station, you may notice that the amount displayed on Spendesk is higher than what you actually paid. For example, you might see 150 GBP instead of 68 GBP.

Don’t worry – this is completely normal!

Here’s why it happens:

When you use your card at an automatic gas station, the merchant performs a check to ensure that your card has sufficient funds. This check is called an authorization request. Since the gas station’s system cannot predict how much you will ultimately spend, the authorization amount is often much higher than the actual charge.

In Spendesk, you will first see the high authorization amount in real-time under the Payments tab > Pending transactions section. While this amount may seem concerning at first, rest assured that this is not the final charge. The merchant will only charge your card the actual amount spent, and this will show up a few days later in the Payments of the month section with the correct total.

Once the authorization expires (which can take up to 32 days, the legal limit granted to the merchant), the funds that were initially blocked will be released back to your account. You will receive a notification via email when this happens.


Why do I see a higher amount in Spendesk than I paid at the pump?
This is because the gas station performs an authorization check on your card for a higher amount to ensure that your account has enough funds to cover the cost. The final charge will reflect the actual amount spent.

How long does it take for the authorization to disappear?
It can take up to 32 days, depending on the merchant, for the authorization to expire and for the funds to be released back to your account.

Will I be charged for the higher amount shown in Spendesk?
No, you will only be charged the actual amount you spent on fuel. The higher authorization amount is just a temporary hold and will be corrected later.

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