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How requests impact your budget
How requests impact your budget

Details about the 'committed' and the 'used'

Updated over a month ago

Approvers see the impact on the budget from the Requests tab, before they approve.

However, the budget is only impacted when the request is approved by an approver.

When the request is made, it impacts the budget including taxes (because the VAT has not been declared yet), but as soon as the VAT amount is known we deduct it from the full amount and display it without taxes on the Budgets tab.

View more details of the budget

  • Click on the budget that you wish to check in Settings > Budgets.

    Have a look at the used, committed and available amounts.

    A used amount is a payment that occurred or a payment that will soon occur (validated by finance teams). Once a spending is considered as used, we are 100% confident that it impacts the budget.

    A committed amount comes from a spending request approved by approvers. We are close to be sure that this will impact the budget, we consider it as incurred on the budget.

    Available is the amount that has not been committed or used on the budget.

When is a request committed / used ?

Cards (single-purchase, recurring, physical)

We consider a single-purchase card as committed to the budget when approved by approvers and used in the budget when payment is made.

We consider a recurring card as committed to the budget (for this month and the next ones) when approved by approvers and used in the budget when payment is made.

We consider a physical card as used in the budget when a payment is made (authorization).

The date to be considered is the date of the card payment authorization.


We consider an invoice without Purchase Order as committed to the budget when the invoice is approved by approvers and used in the budget when the invoice is validated by finance teams.

We consider an invoice with Purchase Order as committed to the budget when the Purchase order is approved by approvers and used in the budget when invoice is validated by finance teams (in Invoices-Review).

The date of impact on budgets is the start date and the end date (it spreads proportionally according to the amount between the 2 dates) in case there's a purchase order, otherwise the date is the date of the invoice's allocation period.

Expense claims

In the same logic, we consider an expense claim as committed to the budget when approved by approvers and used in the budget when validated by finance teams (in Expense claims-Review).

The budget impact date is the payment date of the expense report.

Exceeding the budget

You will see a warning sign if this happens ; and will be able to see all payments linked to this budget, grouped by type of expense.

If there's an error of cost center on one of the payments, you can go to the Payables page and edit the cost center of the payment.

Visibility on the Requests page (Approvers)

As an approver, you'll see the impact of a request on the total budget only if you're also a Cost Center Owner or Co-Owner.

You can check budget details if needed before validating a request or not.

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