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FAQ - Questions about payments

All you need to know about payments with our new payment service provider Adyen

Updated over a week ago

This article is part of a collection of articles regarding your transition to our new payment service provider Adyen.

Why is my virtual card not loading?

Occasionally, virtual cards (single-use and subscription) can take some time to be generated.

How to solve the issue:
1️⃣ Please try viewing the virtual card on the mobile app or desktop later on 🙏

2️⃣ Make sure to check that your phone number has been added properly to your Profile - (phone numbers are needed for 3DS flow).

3️⃣ Make sure you have the most recent app version. Deleting the app and re-installing usually works even better.

Why are my online transactions failing with my physical card? Why am I not asked to provide a password or OTP?

Make sure that your mobile number is set up in your Profile to receive an OTP (one-time password).
👉 You can check this under 'Profile' > 'Security options' > 'Edit phone number'.

💡If this still doesn’t work, please reset your payment password by going to 'Profile' > 'Security options' > 'Reveal password' > 'Reset'.

Contact our chat in case of further trouble.

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