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Onboarding : KYC documents expected (by type of entity)
Onboarding : KYC documents expected (by type of entity)

Any company must undergo KYC verification in order to become a Spendesk customer.

Updated over a week ago

Commercial companies (Ltd, Partnership, AS)

Non-profit organization

Social and Economic Committee (FR market)

Listed companies*

Legal Representative identity document

➕ (only carried out to verify the validity of the Power of attorney (if non-electronic signature)

AO identity document (if AO is not a Legal Rep)

Power of attorney (if the AO is not a Legal Rep)

Certificate of registration

Articles of association

Extract from the Register of Beneficial Owners

➕ (if available in eea country)


➕ (If Extract from the Register of Beneficial Owners is N/A)

*Listed companies: According to Article R561-15 of the CMF, these are “companies whose securities are admitted for trading on a regulated market in France, in another Member State of the European Union, in another State party to the agreement on the European Economic Area, or which are subject to disclosure obligations in accordance with Union law or which are subject to equivalent international standards guaranteeing adequate transparency of information relating to capital ownership, which the person mentioned in Article L. 561-2 is able to justify to the supervisory authority mentioned in Article L. 561-36.”

High risk customers

Any onboarding with an entity classified as High Risk must undergo prior validation by the Compliance Officer and one of the effective leaders of SFS (Spendesk Financial services).

To validate or invalidate the onboarding, the Compliance Officer conducts additional due diligence. SFS (Spendesk Financial services) will collect additional information.

The documents required are listed below (this is not an exhaustive list) :

Commercial companies (Ltd, Partnership, AS)

Non-profit organization

Social and Economic Committee (FR market)

Legal Representative identity document

AO identity document (if AO is not a Legal Rep)

Power of attorney (if the AO is not a Legal Rep)

Certificate of registration

Articles of association

Extract from the Register of Beneficial Owners


Financial Statements

Internet website or commercial brochure

UBO identity documents

Certificate of Tax and Social Compliance

Characteristics of collected documents

Identity documents accepted

The accepted identity documents (PoI) for AO are :

  • Passport issued by a member state of the European Union;

  • National identity card issued by a member state of the European Union ;

  • Residence permit issued by a member state of the European Union authorizing its holder to work;

The accepted identity documents for UBO and Legal Representatives are as follows:

  • Passport;

  • National identity card;

  • Residence permit.

Passport characteristics :

  • The passport must be valid

  • The customer is required to provide the identification page and the signature page of the passport.

  • The copy of this document must be in color.

  • The document must not be truncated.

  • All information and control points must be clearly visible to the naked eye without reflection or blurring.

National Identity card characteristics :

  • The customer is required to provide the front and back of the National Identity card.

  • The copy of this document must be in color.

  • The document must not be truncated.

  • All information and control points must be clearly visible to the naked eye without reflection or blurring.

💡 In France, in 2014, the validity period of an adult's identity card was extended from 10 to 15 years. Therefore, the card remains valid for an additional 5 years if it meets the following two conditions:

  1. The person was an adult at the time of issuance.

  2. The card was still valid on January 1, 2014.

Residence permit characteristics :

  • The customer is required to provide the front and back of the Residence permit.

  • The copy of this document must be in color.

  • The document must not be truncated.

  • All information and control points must be clearly visible to the naked eye without reflection or blurring.

💡 If the document is expired and being renewed, the client must submit:

  • the expired document (under the same characteristics) AND

  • a receipt from the competent authority (Town hall, prefecture, embassy, consulate, etc.) confirming the renewal of the identity document.

Certificate of registration

Certificate of registration issued by an official UE Registers. The list of official businesses registers by country in the EEA zone is available here.

💡 In certain countries of the EEA, non-profit organizations are listed in separate registers not mentioned in the official businesses registers lists submitted :

Austria : Vereinsregister

Greece : National Register of Greek and Foreign NonGovernmental Organizations Italy : There is no national registry of non-profit organizations in Italy. It is necessary to consult the Registro delle Persone Giuridiche of the region in which the non-profit organization is established.

Portugal : There is no national registry of non-profit organizations in Portugal. It is necessary to consult the local register in which the non-profit organization is established.

Certificate characteristics :

  • The document must be dated within the last 3 months.

  • The document must be legible and complete.

  • The document must not contain any reference to liquidation.

If the certificate mentions a collective insolvency procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the legal representative still has the necessary authority to sign the SFS contract, or to approach the appointed administrator to obtain their consent and identification document. This information is available in the official bulletin of the country where the company is registered.

If the address registered (as alternative address) does not appear in the certificate of registration or equivalent, in order to record this address, the client will need to submit the following alternative document.

A proof of address

Proof of address accepted :

  • An invoice from an internet or fixed and mobile telephony provider

  • An invoice from an energy supplier (electricity, water, gas)

  • A contract holder certificate from your energy supplier

  • A payment schedule or energy payment calendar (electricity, water, gas)

  • A lease agreement, signed

  • A home insurance invoice or certificate

  • A tax assessment or non-assessment

Proof of address characteristics :

  • The document must be dated within the last 3 months. (except tax assessment which should be issued within the last 12 months)

  • The document must be addressed to the entity.

  • The document must be legible and complete.

Extract from the Register of Beneficial Owners

The accepted documents are :

  • Extract of Beneficial Ownership register issued by an official UE Registers. The list of official businesses registers by country in the EEA zone is detailed below :

Extract of Beneficial Ownership register characteristics :

  • The document must be legible and complete.

  • The document must contain the information necessary to identify the beneficial owners: names, first names, date, and place of birth.

💡 If the extract is unavailable due to the absence of a registry in the country or the absence of this administrative procedure by the entity, the client will need to submit the following alternative documents:

  • A diagram of the entity's shareholding structure (Case of UBOs by capital ownership) dated and signed by the legal representative within the last 3 months or bear the mention : “certified true copy of the original”. Example of shareholding structure here :


  • A sworn statement ( Case of UBOs by capital ownership, voting rights, or powers) of the legal representative dated and signed within the last 3 months, stating the names, first names, dates, places of birth and nationalities of all declared beneficial owners.

In France, any absence or inconsistencies between the submitted declaration and the information on the beneficial owners available must be reported to the registrar of the commercial court via the portal:

The latest version of the Articles of association

The articles are a contract describing the purpose, the governance & rules of the entity.

Articles of association characteristics :

  • The document must be signed by the legal representative.

  • The document must be dated within the last 3 months or bear the mention : “certified true copy of the original”.

  • The document must be legible and complete.

If it's not possible for you to understand the Articles due to the language used, a translation in French or English must be performed via Deepl (paid version) and you can store it as an appendix of the document.


Minutes are a written record that reports what was said or done in a meeting or assembly.

Minutes characteristics:

  • The document should be the most recent (including the necessary information and decisions).

  • The document must be dated and signed by the legal representative.

  • The document must be legible and complete.

If it's not possible for you to read the Minutes due to the language used, a translation in French or English must be performed via Deepl (paid version) and you can store it as an appendix of the document.

If the purpose of the data collection is to ascertain the beneficial owners of the entity, the following information must be provided to ensure validity: names, first names, date and place of birth.

In the absence of this information, the client will need to submit the following alternative document:

  • A sworn statement of the legal representative dated and signed within the last 3 months, stating the names, first names, dates, and places of birth of all beneficial owners of the entity.

  • A copy of Cerfa N°13971*03 dated and signed by the legal representative.

In an association, the President and, according to the statutes, directors have the status of legal representatives. Therefore, the UBOs will be as legal representative the President and any potential directors.

Financial documents

The accepted documents are :

  • The company's financial statements (balance sheet and income statement)

  • A copy of the certified accounts if applicable(balance sheet and income statement)

  • Tax filing documents

Certain entities are required to have their accounts audited.

Financial documents characteristics:

  • The document should be the most recent

  • The document must be legible and complete.

For entities with less than one year of operation, the financial forecast for the business activity should be requested as an alternative document.

Power of attorney

A power of attorney is a written document (a mandate) that allows the legal representative (the principal) to authorize a third party (the proxy) to carry out operations on its behalf.

Power of attorney characteristics:

  • The document must be signed by the legal representative.

  • The purpose of the power of attorney must precisely indicate the proxy's ability to open and manage a payment account.

  • The mandate must be valid or specify the unlimited duration of the mandate.

  • The document must be legible and complete.

In the case of a limited mandate, SFS, which cannot monitor it (as of today) must, prior to the account opening, have the legal representative sign a waiver.

German law provides, in addition to the company's managing directors ("Geschäftsführer"), the possibility of appointing a representative of the company that does not exist in France: the "Prokurist" (authorized signatory), defined in articles 48 et seq. of the German Commercial Code, who holds a general commercial power of attorney. However, the opening of a payment/bank account is not among the automatic rights granted to the Prokurist. However, assuming that operating the account is within the ordinary course of business of the company, the Einzelprokura would be sufficient and no additional power-of-attorney or authorisation would be needed.

Templates - Power of Attorney

Please find them below this article (downloadable files). 🔗

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