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KYC for Associations - required document and process
KYC for Associations - required document and process
Updated over 2 months ago

We are legally required [articles L.561-5 et R.561-5-4 du CMF] to collect information on the association and its legal representatives.

  • Business information provided will help us verify that the association exists, has a legit activity & a consistent usage of our platform.

  • Information on the legal representatives will help us identify and verify the identity of the persons that have some control over the association via legal authority.

Required documents for KYC

  • Association's certificate of registration dated less than 3 months

    • The document can be found by visiting this link

  • Up-to-date articles of association

  • The association's latest audited financial statements or last 3 bank statements

  • The minutes of the latest general assembly – which should ideally include all personal information such as names, dates and cities of birth. If not available, we need the POI of every Board member.

  • Proof of identity (POI) of the individual doing the Spendesk sign-up, a.k.a. the Account Owner.

  • If the user is not a Legal Representative – We ask for a power of attorney (templates available in EN FR DE ES)

    • Document confirming the delegation of power

    • POI of the Legal Representative who delegated power

For associations, we only consider the president as a legal representative so they're the only person able to sign a power of attorney.

You can find more explanation about these documents at the end of the article 👇

KYC step by step for Associations

The KYC flow is broken into three sections:

  1. Business Information: Information about their company and business registration.

  2. Company structure: Who runs the company, and what is their shareholding structure.

  3. Account Verification: A human will verify your information and grant you access to your new account

1. Association Information

The Association Information section tries to understand who the association is and why/how Spendesk will be used.

Below you will find all the information we need to know about the customer in the first step of the KYC.

  1. We need to understand if the business is a company or association to ensure we take the user down the right flow.

  2. We need to understand the predicted monthly spend of the business (in Euros)

  3. We need to understand what the business will most likely spend the money on

  4. We need to understand how many employees will use Spendesk (not the number of employees in the association)

  5. We need to understand where the association is located. This includes:

    1. The registered address

    2. Fiscal residency

    3. Alternative address

  6. We need to understand core association information such as:

    1. Legal name

    2. Trade name

    3. Legal form

    4. Date of registration

    5. Association registration number

    6. Commercial registration number (optional)

    7. VAT number (optional)

    8. Association website

    9. Association activity information

  7. We need the association’s certificate of registration dated less than 3 months.

  8. We need to understand how the association is funded

  9. We need the user to provide up-to-date articles of association

    1. An article of association is: Please upload the latest version of the articles of association of your charity (or equivalent documentation such as a company memorandum), dated and signed. These documents outline the internal rules and regulations that govern your association's operations and the relationships between its members. They serve as foundational documents that guide the organization's structure, purpose, and internal operations.

  10. We ask the user to provide their latest audited financial statements.

    1. Definition: Please upload the latest financial statements that have been certified by an auditor, including the balance sheet and profit and loss statement. A non-audited version can be sent if you are not required to have your financial statements audited. If the company financial statements are not yet ready, please provide the last three account statements of the association’s bank account.

  11. Please provide the minutes of the latest general assembly.

    1. Definition: The minutes of the last general assembly with reference to the last election of the trustees or members of the board, signed and dated less than a year ago. If the last election happened more than a year ago, please make sure that the minutes mention all the members of the board. If that’s not the case, please upload the version of the minutes that refers to the election.

  12. If the minutes of the latest general assembly do not include personal information, we will ask for information.

2. Association Structure

The Association Structure section tries to understand the individual signing up to Spendesk and who owns and runs the association. Below you will find all the information we need to capture.

Below you will find all the information needed for the Association Structure:

  1. We need proof of identity of the individual doing the Spendesk sign-up

    1. Please ensure you upload a copy of passport or government-issued ID card. If you are uploading a passport, you need to provide a full copy top and bottom, and for the government ID, we need the front and back.

  2. We need information on the individual doing the Spendesk sign-up. This includes:

    1. First and Last name

    2. Maiden/Birth Name

    3. Sex – What is indicated on your ID card

    4. Birthdate

    5. Nationality

    6. Birth city and country

    7. Email address

    8. Phone number

  3. We ask the user’s role

    1. If the user is not the president/chairman and has a different role, we need a power of attorney signed by the President/chairman of association (not only “legal representative”) – You can download a template in the app or you can find templates here:
      PoA EN Template.pdf

  4. If the user is NOT a president/chairman – We ask for a power of attorney and we need:

    1. We also need proof of identity of the legal representative who granted the delegation of power.

  5. If the user IS the president/chairman or has provided the power of attorney information, they will be both taken to the Board members section. This is where we ask the user to provide a full list of the company's board members.

    1. Also, based on previous inputs, we will suggest potential board members

    2. When a user adds a board member, we need similar information to the Account Owner:

      1. First and Last name

      2. Maiden/Birth Name

      3. Sex – What is indicated on your ID card

      4. Birthdate

      5. Nationality

      6. Birth city and country

More explanation on required documents

Certificate of registration

It must be dated less than 3 months.

The document can be found by visiting this link

Why do we need this? It verifies that the association legally exists, meaning that it is registered with the appropriate authority.

Articles of association

It is a document that forms the association's constitution, along with the memorandum of association (in cases it exists)
These documents outline the internal rules and regulations that govern your association's operations and the relationships between its members. They serve as foundational documents that guide the organization's structure, purpose, and internal operations.

Why do we need this? To understand who the association is and why/how it will use Spendesk.

Audited financial statements

It is a document that includes the balance sheet and profit and loss statement. It must be certified by an auditor.

A non-audited version can be sent if you are not required to have your financial statements audited. If the company financial statements are not yet ready, please provide the last three account statements of the company’s bank account.

Why do we need this? To understand the association's financial situation.

Minutes of the latest general assembly

This document should contain reference to the last election of the trustees or members of the board, signed and dated less than a year ago. If the last election happened more than a year ago, please make sure that the minutes mention all the members of the board. If that’s not the case, please upload the version of the minutes that refers to the election.

If the minutes of the latest general assembly don’t include personal information, we will ask for information.

Why do we need this? To understand the association's financial situation.

Proof of Identity (POI)

It's a copy (front/back) of the ID card or a copy of the 2 pages (top/bottom) of a passport.

The copy of the document must be in color, very clear and have no defects that could make the inscriptions unreadable (reflection, trimmed part...).

Why do we need this ? It identifies the person based on their unique information. It also prevents fraud with the provision of private & reliable documentation.

Power of Attorney (Proxy)

It is a delegation of power signed by a legal representative authorizing somebody to act on behalf of the company. This document should be associated with the POI of the Legal Representative who delegated power.

You can find the document by visiting this link.

Why do we need this ? It verifies that the payment account is opened by someone that is legally authorized to do so.

Other potential required documents & glossary

Bank letter

It's a letter from your bank attesting that it maintains your company's bank account.

Source of Funds (SOF)

Gives the origin of the company’s money or financial assets. In establishing the source of funds, firms must seek to understand not only where funds came from (in terms of the account from which they were transferred) but the activity that was involved in generating those funds.

Source of Wealth (SOW)

Refers to the means by which a company has acquired their entire body of wealth. In establishing the source of wealth, financial institutions must ascertain why the client has the assets they do and how they came to accumulate them


Signature on the KYC form


E-mail address of the signing director

Residential address

Residential address of the person mentioned (no document needed)

Date of birth

Date of birth of person mentioned (no document needed)


Nationality of person mentioned (no document needed)

Proof of Address

In some cases, we may ask for a proof of address dated less than 3 months old from the following list:

- Bank statement (no credit card statement);

- Gas, electricity, water and internet bills (no telephone bills);

- Letter from a recognized public authority.

For more information and to prepare your KYC review, go to :

Templates (power of attorney)

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