What are Contracts?
Contracts is where you load contracts and subscriptions into the platform to both receive renewal reminders and provide the context necessary for your Legal & Finance Teams.
Additionally, you will receive renewal reminders for all your Agreements.
Where do I find Contract?
You can find the Contracts in the Procurement/Contracts page of the menu.
How do Contract work?
Upload Contract
How to Upload a Contract
Click + New Contract
Fill every contract information
Drag and drop your file (or use your file browser to upload)
Click Save
Contract Business Owner
The Contract Business Owner is responsible for the contract lifecycle, he will receive the Renewal alert Notification and he is responsible for creating the Renewal Request on-time.
Contract Business Owner is set by-default as the Requester when a contract is stored from a procurement request but this Business Owner could be re-assign by the Procurement Manager at any time.
Contract Status
Contract Status are:
Active when : start date ≤ today ≤ end date
Expired when : end date < today
Terminated when : you’ve manually set this contract as terminated before the end date
Not Started: when today ≤ start date
Renewal Status help to manage Renewal pipeline
None : if there is no Renewal Request link to the Contract
In progess : if there is a Renewal Request that has been trigger from the Create Renewal Request button
Renewed : if the contract has been renewed either through a procurement workflow (Renewal Request) or manually set as Renewed by Business Owner or Procurement Manager
Not Renewed : if the contract has been set as not renewed by Business Owner or Procurement Manager
What are the contract view and who has access to contract list
There are 5 contract views:
Organisation Contracts - available for every users in read-only mode without critical data (Total Contract Value and Contract File Download)
Active, Upcoming Renewal, Renewal in Progress, Archive - only available for Business Owners and Procurement Manager
Summary of Contract access
| Description | Business Owner | Procurement Manager | Every users |
Active | Every Active Contract | list of Contract own by the Business Owner | every Contract - edit mode | No Access |
Upcoming Renewal | Every upcoming Renewal Contract (contract with end date or notice date within the 4 coming months) | list of Contract own by the Business Owner | every Contract - edit mode | No Access |
Renewal in Progress | Every Upcoming Renewal Contract on which a Renewal Request has been created | list of Contract own by the Business Owner | every Contract - edit mode | No Access |
Archive | Every Expired / Terminated Contracts | list of Contract own by the Business Owner | every Contract - edit mode | No Access |
Organisation Contracts | Every Organisation Contracts | list of Contract own by the Business Owner | every Contract - edit mode | Full Access - read-only mode - without critical data (amount and file) |
Launch Renewal Request from Contract Page
You can launch Renewal Request from Contract Page (only on upcoming contract - 4 month before contract termination) or from Renewal Alert Notification received from Slack/email.
When you create a contract from the + Create Renewal Request button , you’ll create a new Request from the Renewal Process (set-up in your processes advanced settings) and the Intake Request Form will be prefill with the previous Contract data.
What are Renewals?
Renewals is a subset of your Contracts that looks at your Agreements in the context of their Renewal Date & Renewal Status.
The primary job of Renewals is to help you better track the full lifecycle of the renewal, and focus on renewal management holistically, while treating Agreements more as a data repository.
Where do I find Renewals?
You can find the Renewals in the Procurement/Contract section.
How do Renewals work?
There are 3 default views on the Renewals table:
Upcoming Renewal
Renewal in Progress
These views are filtered by Renewal Status.
Each of the views shows you a number of high-level details about the Renewal in question:
Name - contract name
Renewal Deadline - shows either contract notice date (for contracts which auto-renew) or contract end date (for contracts which do not auto-renew)
Vendor - shows the Vendor associated with the Contract
Total Contract Value - total contract value
Auto-Renew - does this contract auto-renew (Yes or No)?
Renewal Status - options are:
In Progress
Not Renewed
Business Owner- shows the business owner of the contract
Immediately action a renewal request →Create renewal request
or Set a new contract status without using Procurement Workflow
Set as renewed, as not renewed, as terminated, as automatically renewed
Remember, because Renewals is a subset of Contract, these are all Contracts Properties.
Renewal Alerting
Renewal Alerting is one of the main feature of Renewals. Business Owner and Procurement Manager will receive renewal reminders 4 months and 1 months before Renewal Deadline. Business Owner will be able to launch renewal request directly from his slack/email notification.