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NetSuite native integration: import NetSuite accounts
NetSuite native integration: import NetSuite accounts

Your accounts, vendors and employees are imported from NetSuite

Updated this week

Import your chart of accounts from NetSuite

Once you are connected, an asynchronous process starts to pull your accounts from NetSuite to Spendesk. Here is the list of accounts Spendesk can pull from NetSuite:

  • Bank accounts

  • VAT tax codes

  • Expense accounts

  • Other expense accounts

  • Fixed assets accounts

  • Other current assets accounts

  • Cost of Goods Sold accounts

  • Accounts payable

  • Other current liability accounts

If you need to edit your accounts, please proceed from NetSuite, then Spendesk will pull them.

Import Vendors

The equivalent of a supplier in Spendesk is a vendor in NetSuite. We pull the list of vendors accessible by the selected subsidiary from NetSuite.

We try to match each vendor with an existing Spendesk supplier. We use an exact case-insensitive match on the Supplier/Vendor name and on the Supplier name/Vendor company ID. If a match is found, the NetSuite internal vendor ID is saved with the Spendesk supplier. A match is indicated on the Settings>Accounts payable page with a green checkbox and a link to the vendor’s page in NetSuite.

If there is no matching Spendesk supplier for a given NetSuite vendor, then we create a new Spendesk supplier and we map it to the NetSuite vendor. When we create a new supplier in Spendesk, it is automatically mapped to the vendor it is created from.

If you have vendor accounts ("_accountsPayable", "_otherCurrentLiability") in NetSuite that are not linked to any vendor, we will import them into Spendesk without mapping them to a vendor in Spendesk so that you can still select them when preparing your accounts.

Existing Spendesk suppliers that were not mapped to any NetSuite vendor remain in the supplier database under Settings>Accounts payable with a “Not mapped” status. This status is indicated on Settings>Accounts payable page with a blank clock pictogram and a callout.

It is possible that more than one supplier is mapped to the same vendor (meaning they have the same name).

Vendors in NetSuite are associated with a primary subsidiary and a list of secondary subsidiaries. Spendesk pulls vendors in both cases - when the selected subsidiary is primary and when it is in the list of secondary subsidiaries.

It is possible to manually change the supplier/vendor mapping on Settings>Accounts payable page>Supplier details view:

Changing an existing supplier/vendor mapping is only possible if the currently selected vendor is already mapped to another supplier. In other words, if two (or more) Spendesk suppliers are mapped to the same vendor, then it is possible to change this mapping. Conversely, if a vendor has only one Spendesk supplier mapped to it, then it is not possible to change this mapping. The reason for such restriction is to avoid unmapped vendors that get created with the next Refresh of accounting settings.

Default vendors

The NetSuite native integration allows you to define default vendors to be used for card purchases - vendors typically called “Miscellaneous”. On the Settings>Accounting page you can activate default vendors for physical cards, for single purchase cards and for subscription cards. Once the default vendor is activated with a toggle you need to select the NetSuite vendor you want to use for all payables and settlements made with this type of card when they are exported to NetSuite.

Match Spendesk members with NetSuite Employees

For every Spendesk member belonging to the wallet, we try to find a corresponding NetSuite employee. We try to match each Spendesk member with a NetSuite employee using their email address, or, if there is no email address in NetSuite, their First Name and Last Name. If a match is found, Spendesk stores only the NetSuite ID of the matching employee (no other personal information is stored). This ID will be used when exporting expense claims to NetSuite. A match is indicated on the member’s modal with a green checkbox and a link to the matching employee record in NetSuite.

In the same way as for suppliers, even if we can't map them, we import NetSuite's "_accountsPayable" and "_otherCurrentLiability" accounts into your employee accounts, so that you can map them manually if necessary.

Custom fields mapping

There are 3 standard segments (fields) in NetSuite - Class, Department and Location. These three fields are supported by default when switching to the NetSuite integration. Spendesk analytical fields or the cost center field can be mapped to these NetSuite segments.

In addition, Expense Category (used to create expense reports in NetSuite) is added to the list of NetSuite custom segments in Spendesk, so that it can be mapped to an analytical field.

Other NetSuite custom segments (fields) can also be pulled from NetSuite when the corresponding feature toggle is activated. These custom segments appear alongside Class, Department, Location and Expense Category on Settings>Accounting>Analytical fields.

When mapping a field to Class, Department or Location, it is necessary to indicate whether they need to be sent on each line item or in the transaction body (or both) of the Vendor Bill/Expense Report. Customers usually know which settings they need, otherwise this can be checked by creating a new Bill in NetSuite and selecting Standard Vendor Bill in the Custom Form field.

Once an analytical field is mapped to a NetSuite custom or standard segment, at the next Refresh of accounting settings we will pull the values of the segment from NetSuite into the corresponding Spendesk analytical field. E.g. if an analytical field is mapped to NetSuite’s Department, we will pull the list of departments into that analytical field. If this analytical field contained some values before Refreshing accounting settings, then we will try to match the values coming from NetSuite (e.g. departments) with the values in the Spendesk field.

Matching values will get a NetSuite internal ID stored in the database.

Values that didn’t match any NetSuite value will remain in the analytical field but cannot be used to export payables to NetSuite. That is why it is recommended to start with an empty analytical field and let it get populated with values from NetSuite.

Cost centers are handled differently than analytical fields. Since a cost center has an owner and a co-owner defined, the integration is not able to create new cost centers automatically. If Cost centers are mapped with Department, then we will try to match departments coming from NetSuite with cost centers in Spendesk.

Matching values will get a NetSuite internal ID stored in the database.

Values that didn’t match any NetSuite value cannot be used to export payables to NetSuite. No new cost centers will be created.

N.B.: Custom fields in NetSuite have nested values. For example, if a department is called Marketing with parent = France : Operations, then the right value for the cost center in Spendesk is France : Operations : Marketing.

For each non-standard custom segment (i.e. other than Class, Department, Location and Expense Category) you would like Spendesk to support, grant the following permissions to “Spendesk native integration” under Customization>Lists, Records, & Fields>Custom Segments:

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