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All Collections💻 Set up your company's Spendesk accountSet up control on your spending
1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ Set up approval policies (company-level or individual)
1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ Set up approval policies (company-level or individual)

Only Account Owners and Administrators can view and edit approval flows.

Updated over a week ago

An approval policy lets you control how much a Requester can spend in one transaction and in one month without any approval. Admins and AOs can set up policies.

🚨 The approval policy applies to the payment methods that are selected.

🔥 If somebody is an approver, their requests will be automatically approved only if their spending policy says so. Otherwise, their requests will go to the next-in-line in the approval flow of that team or cost center, or to the account owner if they're already the last-in-line in that approval flow.

🔥 Other case: If a user is part of an approval flow where they can validate requests between 0 and 300 euros, but that their expenses must be approved as set up in their policy, if they generate a request of 200 euros, this request will have to be approved by the next approver in line. It won't be self-approved.

There are two ways of setting up policies in Spendesk.

Set up a policy for several members

Head over to Settings > Members > Policies

Then, choose the name of your policy and select one of the 3 options:

  • Always: Every spending needs to be approved (whatever payment method and whatever amount, the spendings will have to be approved).

  • Sometimes: Customize your approval policy. You can modify the maximum amounts per transaction and per month and select upon which payment methods this rule will apply.

  • Never: No spending will need to be approved (whatever payment method and whatever amount, the users under this policy will be able to spend without any approval).

In addition, you can directly add members that you already know should follow this approval policy.

Note that if a user requests a card in another currency, we will apply 2.99% currency fees + add 5% just in case of a currency variation.

This means that if the currency rate evolves (raises/drops) sometimes the same request will have to be approved, sometimes not.

Set up a policy for one member

Under Settings > Members, select a member.

Click on Edit Profile then head down to the Policy Section.

Choose the right policy in the dropdown list.

You can also create a custom approval policy by choosing Custom approval policy, choosing a name and selecting among those 3 options:

  • Always: Every spending needs to be approved (whatever payment method and whatever amount, the spendings will have to be approved).

  • Sometimes: Customize your approval policy. You can modify the maximum amounts per transaction and per month and select upon which payment methods this rule will apply.

  • Never: No spending will need to be approved (whatever payment method and whatever amount, the users under this policy will be able to spend without any approval).

🤓 You wish to give more autonomy to your users?

If you'd like to give more flexibility to your coworkers, you can set a higher amount per transaction/month.

Note that if a user requests a card in another currency, we will apply 2.99% currency fees + add 5% just in case of a currency variation.

This means that if the currency rate evolves (raises/drops) sometimes the same request will have to be approved, sometimes not.

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