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All Collections⏞ AccountingSet up your custom export (purchase journal)
🃆 Step 2: use your custom export (purchase journal)
🃆 Step 2: use your custom export (purchase journal)

Your custom export setup for the purchase journal can be done on Settings > Exports.

Updated over a week ago

This feature is available for Account owners and Controllers. Xero or DATEV users don't have to use a custom export as their payments are pushed to Xero/DATEV automatically.

Select your custom export

Go to "Settings > Exports >Templates" and select the one you want to use to export your payments. If you don't select any, the Spendesk purchase journal is used per default.

You can also remove one of your templates by clicking in the cross icon in the right section, or edit it if you want to make a few changes by clicking on the pen icon.

Use your export template

📍 Payments can be exported or reexported at any time from Bookkeep > Export.

Your purchase journals will have the structure defined above.

Cancel an export

It is not possible to cancel an export as we don't want to create confusion between Spendesk and your accounting system.

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