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All CollectionsAccountingPrepare your payments for bookkeeping
Step 1 : Prepare and validate your payments and payables
Step 1 : Prepare and validate your payments and payables

In a few clicks, prepare and validate your payments before exporting them to your accounting software.

Updated over 3 months ago

Guidelines for Controllers and Account Owners

Navigate to the Prepare Tab

Go to the Bookkeep > Prepare tab to review, edit, and validate your payments and payables. This includes adding VAT details, assigning expense accounts, verifying suppliers, and other necessary information.

Check the Receipts

Ensure all receipts are present and valid.

  • Missing Receipts:

    • Send a reminder to the requester via Slack or email.

    • Alternatively, you can upload the receipt yourself.

  • Receipt Status Guide:

    • Green: Receipt is valid.

    • Orange: Receipt is invalid.

    • Red: Receipt is missing.

    • Grey: Receipt is declared lost.

    • Blue: Receipt is missing but not overdue.

Review Payment Information

When reviewing a payment, verify and update the following as needed:

  • Vendor information

  • Tax rate

  • Payment type

  • Expense accounts

  • If a payment does not include VAT, select Exempt.

  • Filling in VAT and expense accounts is mandatory unless you are bookkeeping outside of Spendesk or using a placeholder ("dummy") account.

Once everything is reviewed, click the Mark as Ready button to move the payment to the Export tab.

Made a Mistake?
If you validated a payment too quickly, you can fix it:

  1. Go to the Export tab and select View.

  2. Click on the payment and use the Resend to Prepare button to make adjustments.

Use the "Group By" Function

The Group By feature allows you to efficiently update similar payments all at once. Group payments by:

  • Expense type

  • Supplier

  • Expense account

  • VAT account

Once grouped, select the payments and click Edit Transactions or Mark as Ready.

Important Notes:

  • When editing multiple payments, changes apply to all selected items.

  • If a payment reappears in the Prepare tab after being marked as ready, it might be because you updated a VAT or expense account. Payments not yet exported will return to Prepare to ensure all updates are applied.

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