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🎟 Add your supplier accounts and bookkeep your invoices
🎟 Add your supplier accounts and bookkeep your invoices

Add your accounts payable directly on Spendesk to bookkeep your invoices.

Updated over a week ago

Before you start

You can add your accounts payable directly on Spendesk 💪

You have two ways to do this:

  • either add accounts payable when you check your supplier invoices (via Invoices > Review),

  • or you can enter them all one by one by going to Invoices > Review.

Note: you can't export your purchase journal without having the accounts payable field filled. This avoids exporting journals with empty cells. However, you can set up a default field in your Accounting tab's settings.

If you have many accounts to upload, reach out to your CSM so they can import them by bulk thanks to a template shared with you.

Add your accounts payable on Spendesk

As mentioned, there are 2 ways you can add an account payable on Spendesk.

  • You have already submitted your invoice but the supplier is not created yet or needs to be updated:

  1. Click on your invoice and then on "..." next to the supplier's name. Choose an option (to view information or change the supplier's name).

  2. Update the form with the bank details and the account payable.

  3. Save! We’ll reuse this information next time you upload an invoice from this supplier.

  • It’s a new supplier and you haven’t uploaded an invoice so far:

  1. Head to Settings > Accounts payable.

  2. Click on the button “Create a new supplier”.

  3. Fill in the form and add your account payable.

  4. When you submit an invoice from this supplier, we’ll use these bank details and account payable.

You can also create a supplier from Invoices > review. Fill in at least the country then click on Create before confirming the invoice.

These accounts payable will then appear in your Spendesk purchase journal and let you bookkeep invoices with all the accounting information you need.

Download invoices to pay

To bookkeep your invoices, you first need to review them (Invoices > Review).

Once reviewed, they move to the Invoices > Pay tab. You don’t need to 'mark them as paid' to download a list of invoices to pay.

  • Tick the white box near each invoice and then click at the bottom of the page on the link “download your invoices”.

  • The file lists invoices that you have "to pay".

Pay your invoices as usual

When you're happy to mark these invoices as paid, head back to Invoices > Pay and reimburse your suppliers using Spendesk, or retrieve the XML SEPA file or .csv recap file. The first method will generate a wire transfer, but if you choose XML or CSV recaps, a manual action is required on your company's bank account.

These supplier invoices are now located in Payments > All and Payments > Prepare, displayed by their scheduled payment date.

Prepare and export your payments

At the beginning of the month, it’s time to prepare last month’s closing!

  • Head to Payments > Prepare, add bookkeeping information to each payment and mark it as ready.

  • Once done, head to Payments > Export, and choose the period you want to cover. Click on the Export button.

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