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Apply and save filters in 'All Payables' and 'Prepare' tabs
Apply and save filters in 'All Payables' and 'Prepare' tabs
Updated over a month ago

Introducing Advanced filters

On the Bookkeep>Prepare and All Expenses>All Payables pages, you can use advanced filters to pinpoint a single payable or find a list of payables that match your conditions.

This can help you fulfill audit needs, streamline your monthly bookkeeping process or run consistent reports.

Any use case is handled, and it’s easy to get started and to find what you need.

Create a new filter

Let’s say you want to create a filter to find payables that are either with the Expense Category = Travel Expenses OR Expense Account = Travel & Accommodation.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start by clicking on the ‘Filter’ button in the filter bar on Bookkeep > Prepare or All Expenses > All Payables.

  2. Select the first filter condition Expense Category

  3. Select the operator is

  4. Type or scroll to select the value Travel Expenses

  5. Click on ‘Add filter’

  6. Repeat steps 2-4 to select condition Expense Account, operator is and value Travel & Accommodation

  7. Finally, change the inner group operator on the left from And to Or

  8. Click ‘Apply’ to run the filter and view the list of results

Note on inner group operators:

As you saw in step 7, if you add multiple filter conditions within a filter group, you need to choose if all conditions or any of the conditions need to be met. You do this by selecting the operator And or Or between the filter conditions.

If you select And, the filter will require all filter conditions to be met by a payable to match this filter. If you select Or, then any of the conditions can be met by a payable to match this filter. Worth noting that the Or operator is broader and will return more results, whereas the And operator is narrower and will return fewer results.

Add filter groups

Filter groups allow you to combine multiple sets of filters to help you find the payables you’re interested in.

To extend our example above, let’s say you wanted to find a list of payables where either the Expense Category = Travel Expenses OR Expense Account = Travel & Accommodation AND the Net amount < £200.

To do this, we need to add a filter group:

  1. Click ‘Add filter group’ in the filter modal

  2. Select the filter condition Net amount

  3. Select the operator < (less)

  4. Type the value 200

  5. Leave the outer group operator on the left as And , which is the default

  6. Click ‘Apply’ to run the filter and view the list of results

Note on outer group operators:

These behave in a similar way to inner group operators, but at the filter group level. If you select And, the filter will require all filter groups to be met by a payable to match this filter. If you select Or, the any of the filter groups can be met by a payable to match this filter.

Save your filters

Saving your filters for future use can save you a lot of time and ensure that your bookkeeping process and reports are consistent.

To save a filter:

  1. Follow the steps above to create a filter

  2. With the filter modal open, click ‘Save’ in the top right corner

  3. Add a name for this saved filter

  4. Finally click ‘Save and apply’ in the bottom right

Load a saved filter

To load one of your saved filters:

  1. Go to All Expenses>All Payables or Bookkeep>Prepare

  2. Click on ‘Filter’

  3. Select your saved filter from the drop down list

  4. That’s it!

Pro tip: your saved filters are accessible from both All Payables and Prepare.

Edit, delete or duplicate a saved filter

To edit, delete or duplicate a saved filter:

  1. Go to All Expenses>All Payables or Bookkeep>Prepare

  2. Click on ‘Filter’

  3. Hover on the saved filter that you wish to edit, delete or duplicate

  4. Click the options icon on the right hand side

  5. This brings up the menu from which you can edit, duplicate or delete the saved filter

Available filter conditions and operators

We continually add filtering functionality to Spendesk and try to maintain this table, but please note that it might not be perfectly up to date. It was last updated on 3rd February 2025

Filter condition



Payable Type

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from the Payable types available in your Spendesk account

Payable date

is in the last = relative date

is exact date = absolute date

is within date range = absolute date

is before = absolute date

is after = absolute date

Relative date = number of days/months/years from today’s date. 💡Pro tip: relative dates can be very powerful when used in saved filters

Absolute date = single date or date range selection


is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from your supplier list


is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from your Requestor list

Gross amount

= (is)

!= (is not)

< (less)

<= (less or equal)

> (greater)

>= (greater or equal)

is between

is not between

Amount in your wallet currency

Net amount

= (is)

!= (is not)

< (less)

<= (less or equal)

> (greater)

>= (greater or equal)

is between

is not between

Amount in your wallet currency

VAT amount

= (is)

!= (is not)

< (less)

<= (less or equal)

> (greater)

>= (greater or equal)

is between

is not between

Amount in your wallet currency

Receipt number


is not


does not contain

starts with

ends with

is empty 💡Pro tip: use this to find payables without receipt number

is not empty

Alphanumeric string (text)

Payment status

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from:
- “To pay/To Reimburse”
- “Paid/Reimbursed”

Receipt status

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from:
- “Provided”
- “Provided and DPR” (Spain only)
- “Missing”
- “Cannot be provided”
- “Declared as invalid”

Bookkeeping status
(⚠️ only on All Payables, not Prepare)

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from:
- “To prepare”
- “To export”
- “Exported”



is not


does not contain

starts with

ends with

is empty 💡Pro tip: use this to find payables without a description

is not empty

Alphanumeric string (text)

Payable account

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from your list of Accounts Payable in your chart of accounts

Expense account

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from your list of Expense Accounts in your chart of accounts

VAT account

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from your list of VAT Accounts in your chart of accounts

Cost centre

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from your list of Cost Centres

Expense category

is (single value) or is one of (multiple values)

is not (single value) or is not one of (multiple values)

is empty

is not empty

Select from your list of Expense Categories

Analytical fields (custom)

Depends on the type of Analytical Field

Depends on the type of Analytical Field


Can my teammates see my saved filters?

No, only you have visibility and access to your saved filters.

Can I share my saved filters with my teammates?

For now there is no sharing functionality to share your filters with your teammates within Spendesk. However, you can share the URL of the search and share that with teammates. To do this, go to Bookkeep>Prepare, load the saved filter, select the URL in the browser navigation, copy it and send it to your teammate. They can then choose to save it as a new filter in their account.

Is there a limit to the number of saved filters I can create?

No, you are welcome to save as many filters as you need.

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