Once reviewed by Finance teams in Expense claims > Review, expense claims to reimburse show in Expense claims > Schedule reimbursements.
As a Controller or Account owner, on this tab, select the employees you want to reimburse. Make sure that their bank info is already filled properly in your Settings > Organization > Members page.
The amount of the expense claim, if you click on "Reimburse from Spendesk", will be automatically deducted from your company's bank account (not from the Spendesk account), contrary to our European accounts where the expense reports are deducted from the amount available on Spendesk. 🤓
Note that the limit is 10K per transfer.
Choose an execution date
Pay today: by default, the selected expense claims have an execution date on the current date. As soon as the Account owner confirms, it's executed the next morning by our banking partner (so received up to 5 business days later).
Pay later: you can schedule a transfer for a later date by selecting a custom execution date in the future. Once confirmed by the Account owner, the transfer is executed on the selected date.
Choose to reimburse from Spendesk
From Spendesk: by default, the selected expense claims are reimbursed from Spendesk when the feature is on, using the funds available on your company's bank account.
If you change your mind, you can still choose the option "CSV" and make a manual transfer.
When you choose to reimburse "From Spendesk directly", the Account owner is notified by email and has to confirm the reimbursement from Expense claims > Confirm.
As long as the execution date is not reached, you can still cancel the wire transfer from Expense claims > History.