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🇺🇸 Step 2: who can confirm a transfer from Spendesk?

Expense claims: check who's allowed to reimburse an employee from Spendesk directly.

Updated over 2 months ago

Once a Controller schedules some reimbursements from Spendesk, the Account owner can see all expense claims waiting for confirmation in Expense claims > Confirm.
From that tab, they can see the reimbursement details before they choose to approve or decline the pending transfers.

As soon as an expense claim is validated in Expense Claims > Schedule and goes to Expense claims > Confirm, the account owner is notified by email.

Please note that refusing transfers means that they will return to 'Schedule'. If you do not wish to pay them, either send them back to Review in order to refuse them, or click on 'pay by .csv', do not pay them, and remove them from your export. They will still appear in Spendesk, but will not be paid.

Confirm a transfer

To confirm a transfer, the Account owner is asked to enter a confirmation code sent to their security phone number.

You can edit your security phone number on Avatar > My profile > Security phone number.

The transfer is executed as follow:

  • Once confirmed by the Account owner, the transfer is executed on the execution date.

  • If the execution date is the current day or in the past, the transfer is executed the next morning by our banking partner. The beneficiary will be reimbursed within a few days (usually 4-6).

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