You can use your Spendesk card wherever Mastercard is accepted, including abroad. Just make sure to top up your card before travelling: you might be somewhere where the Internet connection is poor. If that is the case, you may not be able to top up your card (or request a top up) on the moment.
Using a card in the US 🔥
You can either enter the card and type the pin, or swipe the card in the US.
About Security:
Our cards come with specific securities features. We advise our customers to always insert the card into a connected payment terminal and type in your PIN code.
If you need to be able to withdraw cash, ask your Account Owner to activate the Cash Withdrawal feature.
FX fees:
2.99% FX fees will be applied to any transactions made in a different currency than the one on your default Spendesk account (i.e. EUR, USD, GBP, SEK, NOK, DKK).
The conversion rate applied is the one used by Mastercard. Be aware that the transaction date is the one displayed in your payment details, (payment made by xxxx on the xx/xx/xxxx).
0.75% on Withdrawals:
If you have a Spendesk physical card and your Account Administrator has enabled cash withdrawal, a 0.75% (minimum 1 eur/$/gbp) fee per withdrawal is applied, whether you withdraw cash in a different currency or in your card's currency.
Check your spending limits abroad on our dedicated article.
👉🏻 If your card numbers start with 55, you will need to read the Prepaid cards' limits article. If they start with 53, read the Debit card limits article on the help center category "Spendesk Cards".